
Hashmap is indexed data structures. A hash map makes use of a hash function to compute an index with a key into an array of buckets or slots. Its value is mapped to the bucket with the corresponding index. The key is unique and immutable. Hash function is the core of implementing a hash map. It takes in the key and translates it to the index of a bucket in the bucket list. Ideal hashing should produce a different index for each key. However, collisions can occur. When hashing gives an existing index, we can simply use a bucket for multiple values by appending a list or by rehashing.

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[Leetcode 1071] Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

For two strings s and t, we say “t divides s” if and only if s = t + … + t (i.e., t is concatenated with itself one or more times).

Given two strings str1 and str2, return the largest string x such that x divides both str1 and str2.

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Google analytics

Google Analytics 4 has replaced Universal Analytics(tracking id based). Starting July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics properties will stop processing data. If you want to keep using Google Analytics to measure your website traffic, you need a Google Analytics 4 property, aks Google tag.

To activate Google Analytics, Google provides you a tag named as “Google Tag”. You can find the “Google Tag” in Google analytics console as below.

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Kai looked from his window at the faraway misty mountains. 48 years had passed since the Battle of the Taijo Mountains. In just 2 more years, the village would be freed.

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Client-server mode

Normally fio is invoked as a stand-alone application on the machine where the I/O workload should be generated. However, the backend and frontend of fio can be run separately i.e., the fio server can generate an I/O workload on the “Device Under Test” while being controlled by a client on another machine.

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Once upon a time, nestled deep within the dense woods, there lay a serene and seemingly ordinary summer camp called “Genius Camp.” Every year, children from far and wide would flock to this camp to embark on adventures, make new friends, and create memories that would last a lifetime. The camp was known for its rustic cabins, shimmering lake, and captivating nature trails.

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People who only hope for a better future get nowhere in life. Nothing will change unless someone acts. Those who act in the hour of darkness are the ones who are true heroes. Those who hope are the ones who benefit from these actions.

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I remembered the first time I had ever considered joining a swim team. I was going to attend my friend Jack’s birthday pool party. We played water polo and balloon fights, which were all very fun. However, the one I was most excited about was the race. Jack’s dad, Mr. Chen, blew on the whistle and I was off. I had taken swimming lessons starting from young age, so I easily passed all the others.

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