The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, macOS, Windows, and BSD operating systems. The Phoronix Test Suite allows for carrying out tests in a fully automated manner from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are meant to be easily reproducible, easy-to-use, and support fully automated execution. The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners.
The Phoronix Test Suite has access to more than 450 test profiles and over 100 test suites via If there is a test not currently covered by the Phoronix Test Suite, new tests can be quickly added via its extensible architecture with each profile just being comprised of XML files and a few simple bash scripts.
Install phoronix-test-suite on CentOS
OS and kernel version:
1 2 3 4 5
[root@vm1 phoronix-test-suite]# cat /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
The only mandatory requirement for the Phoronix Test Suite on Linux, Solaris, *BSD, Hurd, and macOS operating systems is PHP CLI. Many of the benchmarking profiles do require the standard development tools/libraries (GCC compiler, etc) and other common programs. However, on many Linux distributions and operating systems the Phoronix Test Suite is able to use the software’s package management system for installing these additional dependencies.
[root@vm1 ~]# tar zxf phoronix-test-suite-10.8.4.tar.gz [root@vm1 ~]# cd phoronix-test-suite [root@vm1 phoronix-test-suite]# ls AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING deploy documentation install.bat install_macos install-sh ob-cache phoronix-test-suite phoronix-test-suite.bat pts-core
[root@vm1 phoronix-test-suite]# ./install-sh which: no xdg-mime in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
Phoronix Test Suite Installation Completed
Executable File: /usr/bin/phoronix-test-suite Documentation: /usr/share/doc/phoronix-test-suite/ Phoronix Test Suite Files: /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/
The **Phoronix Test Suite** is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, macOS, Windows, and BSD operating systems. The Phoronix Test Suite allows for carrying out tests in a fully automated manner from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are meant to be easily reproducible, easy-to-use, and support fully automated execution. The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners.
View the included documentation or visit for full details.
force-install [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... install [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... install-dependencies [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... make-download-cache remove-installed-test [Test]
benchmark [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... estimate-install-time [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] estimate-run-time [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] finish-run [Test Result] run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... run-random-tests run-subset [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... run-tests-in-suite [Suite] stress-batch-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... stress-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... strict-benchmark [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... strict-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ...
batch-benchmark [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... batch-install [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... batch-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... batch-setup default-benchmark [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... default-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... dry-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... internal-run [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ...
info [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] intersect [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... list-all-tests list-available-suites list-available-tests list-available-virtual-suites list-cached-tests list-installed-dependencies list-installed-suites list-installed-tests list-missing-dependencies list-not-installed-tests list-possible-dependencies list-saved-results list-test-status list-test-usage search test-to-suite-map
build-suite create-test-profile debug-benchmark [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... debug-install [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... debug-result-parser [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... debug-test-download-links [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] download-test-files [Test | Suite | OpenBenchmarking ID | Test Result] ... dump-documentation inspect-test-profile [Test] rebuild-test-suite [Suite] validate-result-file validate-test-profile [Test] validate-test-suite [Suite]
auto-load-module list-modules module-info [Phoronix Test Suite Module] module-setup [Phoronix Test Suite Module] test-module [Phoronix Test Suite Module] unload-module
pts/audio-encoding - Audio Encoding System pts/av1 - AV1 System pts/bioinformatics - Bioinformatics System pts/browsers - Web Browsers System pts/cad - CAD System pts/chess - Chess Test Suite Processor pts/compilation - Timed Code Compilation System pts/compression - Compression Tests Processor pts/creator - Creator Workloads System pts/cryptocurrency - Cryptocurrency Benchmarks, CPU Mining Tests Processor pts/cryptography - Cryptography Processor pts/database - Database Test Suite System pts/desktop-graphics - Desktop Graphics System pts/disk - Disk Test Suite Disk pts/electronic-design - Electronic Design System pts/finance - Finance System pts/game-dev - Game Development System pts/hpc - HPC - High Performance Computing System pts/imaging - Imaging System pts/internet-speed - Internet Speed System pts/java - Java System pts/kernel - Common Kernel Benchmarks System pts/linear-algebra - Linear Algebra System pts/machine-learning - Machine Learning System pts/memory - Memory Test Suite Memory pts/molecular-dynamics - Molecular Dynamics System pts/mpi - MPI Benchmarks System pts/network - Networking Test Suite Network pts/nvidia-gpu-compute - NVIDIA GPU Compute Graphics pts/ocr - OCR System pts/oneapi - Intel oneAPI System pts/opencl - OpenCL System pts/productivity - Productivity System pts/programmer - Programmer / Developer System Benchmarks System pts/python - Python System pts/quantum-mechanics - Quantum Mechanics System pts/raytracing - Raytracing System pts/renderers - Renderers Processor pts/scientific-computing - Scientific Computing System pts/sdr - Software Defined Radio System pts/server - Server System pts/speech - Speech System pts/steam - Steam Graphics pts/telephony - Telephony System pts/texture-compression - Texture Compression System pts/unigine - Unigine Test Suite Graphics pts/video-encoding - Video Encoding System pts/vulkan-compute - Vulkan Compute Graphics pts/vulkan-rt - Vulkan Ray-Tracing Graphics
[root@vm1 phoronix-test-suite]# phoronix-test-suite info postmark
Phoronix Test Suite v10.8.4 PostMark 1.51
Run Identifier: pts/postmark-1.1.2 Profile Version: 1.1.2 Maintainer: Michael Larabel Test Type: Disk Software Type: Utility License Type: Free Test Status: Verified Supported Platforms: Linux, Solaris, MacOSX, BSD Project Web-Site: Estimated Run-Time: 150 Seconds Estimated Install Time: 2 Seconds Download Size: 0.01 MB Environment Size: 1 MB
Description: This is a test of NetApp's PostMark benchmark designed to simulate small-file testing similar to the tasks endured by web and mail servers. This test profile will set PostMark to perform 25,000 transactions with 500 files simultaneously with the file sizes ranging between 5 and 512 kilobytes. Test Profile: Test Installed: Yes Last Run: 2023-11-14 Install Time: 2 Seconds Install Size: 120 Bytes Average Run-Time: 2 Minutes, 30 Seconds Latest Run-Time: 13 Minutes, 41 Seconds Times Run: 2 Software Dependencies: - C/C++ Compiler Toolchain Overview Metrics: Disk Transaction Performance [Performance Overview] Average Deviation Between Runs: 1.62% Sample Analysis Count: 14756 Comparison of 14,756 samples since 26 February 2011 to 12 February 2022; median result: 3363 TPS. Box plot of samples: [ |------*---------------------------------################################################!##################*#############################*----------------------------------*------------------------------------------| ] ^ 10th Percentile: 340 60th Percentile: 4076 ^ 75th Percentile: 5173 ^ 90th Percentile: 6466 ^ [Run-Time Requirements] Average Run-Time: 8 Minutes Comparison of 3,384 samples since 26 February 2011 to 12 February 2022; median result: 198 Seconds. Box plot of samples: [ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*----------------------#*#####!#*#*| ] 10th Percentile: 840 ^ 25th Percentile: 334 ^ 60th Percentile: 163 ^ 75th Percentile: 130 ^ Workload Analysis: Shared Libraries Used By This Test: Notable Instructions Used By Test On Capable CPUs: MMX, SSE, SSE2 Instructions Possible On Capable CPUs With Extra Compiler Flags: MMX, SSE, SSE2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512 Honors CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS: Yes Tested CPU Architectures: aarch64, armv5tel, armv6l, armv7l, i386, i686, mips, mips64, ppc, ppc64, ppc64le, sparc64, x86_64 Test Profile Change History: v1.1.2 - 8 February 2020 Update download mirrors. v1.1.1 - 28 May 2018 Update download URLs. v1.1.0 - 24 January 2013 Update PostMark download link that was dead, increase the intensity of the PostMark disk run case. v1.0.0 - 6 December 2010 Initial import into Results Containing This Test postmark-result-20231112 postmark-result-20231112 Test Suites Containing This Test pts/disk Disk Test Suite pts/kernel Common Kernel Benchmarks