Key concepts in Elastic Rally


A pipeline is a series of steps that are performed to get benchmark results. This is not intended to customize the actual benchmark but rather what happens before and after a benchmark.

An example will clarify the concept: If you want to benchmark a binary distribution of Elasticsearch, Rally has to download a distribution archive, decompress it, start Elasticsearch and then run the benchmark. However, if you want to benchmark a source build of Elasticsearch, it first has to build a distribution using the Gradle Wrapper. So, in both cases, different steps are involved and that’s what pipelines are for.

You can get a list of all pipelines with esrally list pipelines

$ esrally --version
esrally 2.6.0

$ esrally list pipelines

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Available pipelines:

Name Description
----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from-sources Builds and provisions Elasticsearch, runs a benchmark and reports results.
from-distribution Downloads an Elasticsearch distribution, provisions it, runs a benchmark and reports results.
benchmark-only Assumes an already running Elasticsearch instance, runs a benchmark and reports results

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 0 seconds)


This is intended if you want to provision a cluster by yourself. Do not use this pipeline unless you are absolutely sure you need to. As Rally has not provisioned the cluster, results are not easily reproducable and it also cannot gather a lot of metrics (like CPU usage).

To benchmark a cluster, you also have to specify the hosts to connect to.

$ esrally race --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-host=,, --track=geonames


This pipeline allows to benchmark an official Elasticsearch distribution which will be automatically downloaded by Rally. An example invocation:

$ esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=from-distribution --distribution-version=7.17.0


You should use this pipeline when you want to build and benchmark Elasticsearch from sources.

Remember that you also need git installed. You have to specify a revision.

$ esrally race --track=geonames --pipeline=from-sources --revision=latest


A track is the description of one or more benchmarking scenarios with a specific document corpus. It defines for example the involved indices, data files and which operations are invoked. List the available tracks with esrally list tracks. Although Rally ships with some tracks out of the box, you should usually create your own track based on your own data.

  • Geonames: for evaluating the performance of structured data.
  • Geopoint: for evaluating the performance of geopoint queries.
  • Geopointshape: for evaluating the performance of geopointshape queries.
  • Geoshape: for evaluating the performance of geoshape data.
  • Percolator: for evaluating the performance of percolation queries.
  • PMC: for evaluating the performance of full text search.
  • NYC taxis: for evaluating the performance for highly structured data.
  • NYC taxis (ARM): for evaluating the performance for highly structured data and detect ARM-specific regressions.
  • Nested: for evaluating the performance for nested documents.
  • HTTP Logs: for evaluating the performance of (Web) server logs.
  • NOAA: for evaluating the performance of range fields.
  • EQL: for evaluating the performance of EQL.
  • SQL: for evaluating the performance of SQL.
  • SO (Transform): for evaluating the performance of the transform feature.
  • SO (Frequent Items): for evaluating the performance of the frequent items aggregation.
  • Logging: for evaluating the performance of the Log Monitoring part of Elastic’s Observability solution.
  • Logging (Many Shards): for evaluating the performance of the Log Monitoring part of Elastic’s Observability solution with a large amount of shards.
  • Logging (Snapshots): for evaluating snapshot performance when taking snapshot with a large of amount of shards.
  • Dense Vector: for evaluating the performance of vectors search.
  • Security: for evaluating the performance of Elastic’s Security solution.
  • TSDB: for evaluating the performance of TSDB (time series database).
  • Logging (CCS): for evaluating the performance of CCS (cross cluster search).
$ esrally list tracks

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Available tracks:

Name              Description                                                              Documents    Compressed Size   Uncompressed Size    Default Challenge        All Challenges
----------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------- -------------------  ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elastic/logs      Track for simulating logging workloads                                   14,009,078   N/A                NA                  logging-indexing         logging-indexing-querying,logging-indexing,logging-querying,logging-snapshot-mountlogging-snapshot-restore,logging-snapshot,cross-clusters-search,logging-disk-usage,many-shards-quantitative,many-shards-snapshots
elastic/security  Track for simulating Elastic Security workloads                          77,513,777   N/A                NA                  security-querying        security-indexing-querying,security-indexing,security-querying,index-alert-source-events
elastic/endpoint  Endpoint track                                                           0            0 bytes            0bytes              default                  default
eql               EQL benchmarks based on endgame index of SIEM demo cluster               60,782,211   4.5 GB             109.2GB             default                  default,index-sorting
geonames          POIs from Geonames                                                       11,396,503   252.9 MB           3.3GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflictssignificant-text
geopoint          Point coordinates from PlanetOSM                                         60,844,404   482.1 MB           2.3GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflicts
geopointshape     Point coordinates from PlanetOSM indexed as geoshapes                    60,844,404   470.8 MB           2.6GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-fast-with-conflicts
geoshape          Shapes from PlanetOSM                                                    84,220,567   17.0 GB            58.7GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-big
http_logs         HTTP server log data                                                     247,249,096  1.2 GB             31.1GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,runtime-fields,append-no-conflicts-index-onlyappend-sorted-no-conflicts,append-index-only-with-ingest-pipeline,update,append-no-conflicts-index-reindex-only
metricbeat        Metricbeat data                                                          1,079,600    87.7 MB            1.2GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts
nested            StackOverflow Q&A stored as nested docs                                  11,203,029   663.3 MB           3.4GB               nested-search-challenge  nested-search-challenge,index-only
noaa              Global daily weather measurements from NOAA                              33,659,481   949.4 MB           9.0GB               append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,aggs,filter-aggs
nyc_taxis         Taxi rides in New York in 2015                                           165,346,692  4.5 GB             74.3GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflicts-index-onlyupdate,append-ml,aggs
percolator        Percolator benchmark based on AOL queries                                2,000,000    121.1 kB           104.9MB             append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts
pmc               Full text benchmark with academic papers from PMC                        574,199      5.5 GB             21.7GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,append-no-conflicts-index-only,append-sorted-no-conflictsappend-fast-with-conflicts,indexing-querying
so                Indexing benchmark using up to questions and answers from StackOverflow  36,062,278   8.9 GB             33.1GB              append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,transform,frequent-items
sql               SQL query performance based on NOAA Weather data                         33,659,481   949.4 MB           9.0GB               sql                      sql
dense_vector      Benchmark for dense vector indexing and search                           10,000,000   7.2 GB             19.5GB              index-and-search         index-and-search
so_vector         Benchmark for vector search with StackOverflow data                      2,000,000    12.3 GB            32.2GB              index-and-search         index-and-search
tsdb              metricbeat information for elastic-app k8s cluster                       116,633,698  N/A                123.0GB             append-no-conflicts      append-no-conflicts,downsample

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 2 seconds)

$ esrally info --track=geonames

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Showing details for track [geonames]:

* Description: POIs from Geonames
* Documents: 11,396,503
* Compressed Size: 252.9 MB
* Uncompressed Size: 3.3 GB

Challenge [append-no-conflicts] (run by default)

Indexes the whole document corpus using Elasticsearch default settings. We only adjust the number of replicas as we benchmark asingle node cluster and Rally will only start the benchmark if the cluster turns green. Document ids are unique so all indexoperations are append only. After that a couple of queries are run.


1. delete-index
2. create-index
3. check-cluster-health
4. index-append (8 clients)
5. refresh-after-index
6. force-merge
7. refresh-after-force-merge
8. wait-until-merges-finish
9. index-stats
10. node-stats
11. default
12. term
13. phrase
14. country_agg_uncached
15. country_agg_cached
16. scroll
17. expression
18. painless_static
19. painless_dynamic
20. decay_geo_gauss_function_score
21. decay_geo_gauss_script_score
22. field_value_function_score
23. field_value_script_score
24. large_terms
25. large_filtered_terms
26. large_prohibited_terms
27. desc_sort_population
28. asc_sort_population
29. asc_sort_with_after_population
30. desc_sort_geonameid
31. desc_sort_with_after_geonameid
32. asc_sort_geonameid
33. asc_sort_with_after_geonameid

Challenge [append-no-conflicts-index-only]

Indexes the whole document corpus using Elasticsearch default settings. We only adjust the number of replicas as we benchmark asingle node cluster and Rally will only start the benchmark if the cluster turns green. Document ids are unique so all indexoperations are append only.


1. delete-index
2. create-index
3. check-cluster-health
4. index-append (8 clients)
5. force-merge
6. wait-until-merges-finish

Challenge [append-fast-with-conflicts]

Indexes the whole document corpus using a setup that will lead to a larger indexing throughput than the default settings. Rallywill produce duplicate ids in 25% of all documents (not configurable) so we can simulate a scenario with appends most of the timeand some updates in between.


1. delete-index
2. create-index
3. check-cluster-health
4. index-update (8 clients)
5. force-merge
6. wait-until-merges-finish

Challenge [significant-text]

Indexes the whole document corpus using Elasticsearch default settings. We only adjust the number of replicas as we benchmark asingle node cluster and Rally will only start the benchmark if the cluster turns green. Document ids are unique so all indexoperations are append only.


1. delete-index
2. create-index
3. check-cluster-health
4. index-append (8 clients)
5. force-merge
6. wait-until-merges-finish
7. significant_text_selective
8. significant_text_sampled_selective
9. significant_text_unselective
10. significant_text_sampled_unselective

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 1 seconds)

A track is specified in a JSON file. A track JSON file can include the following sections:

  • indices/templates: define the relevant indices and index templates
  • data-streams: define the relevant data streams
  • composable-templates/component-templates: define the relevant composable and component templates
  • corpora: define all document corpora (i.e. data files) that Rally should use for this track
  • challenge(s): describe more than one set of operations, in the event your track needs to test more than one set of scenarios
  • schedule: describe the workload for the benchmark, for example index with two clients at maximum throughput while searching with another two clients with ten operations per second
  • operations: describe which operations are available for this track and how they are parametrized
  • dependencies
$ ls .rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/geonames
challenges  files.txt  index.json  operations  __pycache__  terms.txt  track.json

$ cat .rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/geonames/track.json
  "version": 2,
  "description": "POIs from Geonames",
  "data-url": "",
  "indices": [
      "name": "geonames",
      "body": "index.json"
  "corpora": [
      "name": "geonames",
      "base-url": "",
      "documents": [
          "source-file": "documents-2.json.bz2",
          "document-count": 11396503,
          "compressed-bytes": 265208777,
          "uncompressed-bytes": 3547613828
  "operations": [
    {{ rally.collect(parts="operations/*.json") }}
  "challenges": [
    {{ rally.collect(parts="challenges/*.json") }}

$ cat .rally/benchmarks/tracks/default/geonames/index.json
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_shards": {{number_of_shards | default(5)}},
    "index.number_of_replicas": {{number_of_replicas | default(0)}},
    "": "{{store_type | default('fs')}}",
    "index.requests.cache.enable": false
  "mappings": {
    "dynamic": "strict",
    "_source": {
      "enabled": {{ source_enabled | default(true) | tojson }}
    "properties": {


A challenge describes one benchmarking scenario, for example indexing documents at maximum throughput with 4 clients while issuing term and phrase queries from another two clients rate-limited at 10 queries per second each. It is always specified in the context of a track. See the available challenges by listing the corresponding tracks with esrally list tracks.


A car is a specific configuration of an Elasticsearch cluster that is benchmarked, for example the out-of-the-box configuration, a configuration with a specific heap size or a custom logging configuration. List the available cars with esrally list cars.

$ esrally list cars

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Available cars:

Name                     Type    Description
-----------------------  ------  --------------------------------------
16gheap                  car     Sets the Java heap to 16GB
1gheap                   car     Sets the Java heap to 1GB
24gheap                  car     Sets the Java heap to 24GB
2gheap                   car     Sets the Java heap to 2GB
4gheap                   car     Sets the Java heap to 4GB
8gheap                   car     Sets the Java heap to 8GB
defaults                 car     Sets the Java heap to 1GB
basic-license            mixin   Basic License
debug-non-safepoints     mixin   More accurate CPU profiles
ea                       mixin   Enables Java assertions
fp                       mixin   Preserves frame pointers
g1gc                     mixin   Enables the G1 garbage collector
parallelgc               mixin   Enables the Parallel garbage collector
trial-license            mixin   Trial License
unpooled                 mixin   Enables Netty's unpooled allocator
x-pack-ml                mixin   X-Pack Machine Learning
x-pack-monitoring-http   mixin   X-Pack Monitoring (HTTP exporter)
x-pack-monitoring-local  mixin   X-Pack Monitoring (local exporter)
x-pack-security          mixin   X-Pack Security
zgc                      mixin   Enables the ZGC garbage collector

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 1 seconds)


Telemetry is used in Rally to gather metrics about the car, for example CPU usage or index size.

$ esrally list telemetry

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Available telemetry devices:

Command                     Name                        Description
--------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------
jit                         JIT Compiler Profiler       Enables JIT compiler logs.
gc                          GC log                      Enables GC logs.
jfr                         Flight Recorder             Enables Java Flight Recorder (requires an Oracle JDK or OpenJDK 11+)
heapdump                    Heap Dump                   Captures a heap dump.
node-stats                  Node Stats                  Regularly samples node stats
recovery-stats              Recovery Stats              Regularly samples shard recovery stats
ccr-stats                   CCR Stats                   Regularly samples Cross Cluster Replication (CCR) related stats
segment-stats               Segment Stats               Determines segment stats at the end of the benchmark.
transform-stats             Transform Stats             Regularly samples transform stats
searchable-snapshots-stats  Searchable Snapshots Stats  Regularly samples searchable snapshots stats
shard-stats                 Shard Stats                 Regularly samples nodes stats at shard level
data-stream-stats           Data Stream Stats           Regularly samples data stream stats
ingest-pipeline-stats       Ingest Pipeline Stats       Reports Ingest Pipeline stats at the end of the benchmark.
disk-usage-stats            Disk usage of each field    Runs the indices disk usage API after benchmarking

Keep in mind that each telemetry device may incur a runtime overhead which can skew results.

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 0 seconds)


A race is one invocation of the Rally binary. Another name for that is one “benchmarking trial”. During a race, Rally runs one challenge on a track with the given car.

$ esrally race --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-host=,, --track=geonames--track-params="number_of_shards:3,number_of_replicas:1" --challenge=append-no-conflicts --on-error=abort --race-id=${RACE_ID}

$ esrally list races

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 / _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
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Recent races:

Race ID                               Race Timestamp    Track     Track Parameters                          Challenge           Car       User Tags                  Track Revision    Team Revision
------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------- --------  -------------------------  ----------------  ---------------
066e02fa-a71a-4239-b515-984f705d5f02  20221031T230044Z  geonames  number_of_replicas=1, number_of_shards=3  append-no-conflicts external  intention=3shards1replica  a64a92a
734bb4b3-8b7a-4c0b-9fa6-aaeb4659569f  20221031T214254Z  geonames  number_of_replicas=0, number_of_shards=3  append-no-conflicts external  intention=3shards0replica  a64a92a


A tournament is a comparison of two races. Looks like Rally doesn’t have the tournament mode support yet. Instead, the comparison can be made as the following command between two races. Note that, we should NOT run the same benchmark multiple times without data cleanup between the benchmarks. It will give us unreproducible results.

$ esrally compare --baseline=066e02fa-a71a-4239-b515-984f705d5f02 --contender=734bb4b3-8b7a-4c0b-9fa6-aaeb4659569f

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Comparing baseline
  Race ID: 066e02fa-a71a-4239-b515-984f705d5f02
  Race timestamp: 2022-10-31 23:00:44
  Challenge: append-no-conflicts
  Car: external
  User tags: intention=3shards1replica

with contender
  Race ID: 734bb4b3-8b7a-4c0b-9fa6-aaeb4659569f
  Race timestamp: 2022-10-31 21:42:54
  Challenge: append-no-conflicts
  Car: external
  User tags: intention=3shards0replica

    _______             __   _____
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  / /_  / / __ \/ __ `/ /   \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
 / __/ / / / / / /_/ / /   ___/ / /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/
/_/   /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/   /____/\___/\____/_/   \___/

|                                                        Metric |                           Task |        Baseline |      Contender |         Diff |    Unit |   Diff % |
|                    Cumulative indexing time of primary shards |                                |    14.3493      |    140125      |     -0.33683 |     min |   -2.35% |
|             Min cumulative indexing time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|          Median cumulative indexing time across primary shard |                                |     0.00696667  |     000696667  |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|             Max cumulative indexing time across primary shard |                                |     4.954       |     473868     |     -0.21532 |     min |   -4.35% |
|           Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|    Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
| Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|    Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|                       Cumulative merge time of primary shards |                                |     9.5478      |     486773     |     -4.68007 |     min |  -49.02% |
|                      Cumulative merge count of primary shards |                                |    93           |   70           |    -23       |         |  -24.73% |
|                Min cumulative merge time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|             Median cumulative merge time across primary shard |                                |     0.00276667  |     000276667  |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|                Max cumulative merge time across primary shard |                                |     3.61232     |     171572     |     -1.8966  |     min |  -52.50% |
|              Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards |                                |     2.62635     |     0569683    |     -2.05667 |     min |  -78.31% |
|       Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|    Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|       Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard |                                |     1.06415     |     021315     |     -0.851   |     min |  -79.97% |
|                     Cumulative refresh time of primary shards |                                |     1.37218     |     045075     |     -0.92143 |     min |  -67.15% |
|                    Cumulative refresh count of primary shards |                                |   421           |  327           |    -94       |         |  -22.33% |
|              Min cumulative refresh time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|           Median cumulative refresh time across primary shard |                                |     0.0191417   |     00191417   |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|              Max cumulative refresh time across primary shard |                                |     0.4631      |     0152433    |     -0.31067 |     min |  -67.08% |
|                       Cumulative flush time of primary shards |                                |     0.144633    |     0185383    |      0.04075 |     min |  +28.17% |
|                      Cumulative flush count of primary shards |                                |    14           |   14           |      0       |         |    0.00% |
|                Min cumulative flush time across primary shard |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|             Median cumulative flush time across primary shard |                                |     0.000191667 |     0000191667 |      0       |     min |    0.00% |
|                Max cumulative flush time across primary shard |                                |     0.0575833   |     00674167   |      0.00983 |     min |  +17.08% |
|                                       Total Young Gen GC time |                                |    30.494       |    14511       |    -15.983   |       s |  -52.41% |
|                                      Total Young Gen GC count |                                |  3888           | 2381           |  -1507       |         |  -38.76% |
|                                         Total Old Gen GC time |                                |     7.329       |     3247       |     -4.082   |       s |  -55.70% |
|                                        Total Old Gen GC count |                                |   109           |   48           |    -61       |         |  -55.96% |
|                                                    Store size |                                |     5.78897     |     301044     |     -2.77854 |      GB |  -48.00% |
|                                                 Translog size |                                |     8.19564e-07 |     665896e-07 |     -0       |      GB |  -18.75% |
|                                        Heap used for segments |                                |     0.513947    |     0385025    |     -0.12892 |      MB |  -25.08% |
|                                      Heap used for doc values |                                |     0.037796    |     00160522   |     -0.02174 |      MB |  -57.53% |
|                                           Heap used for terms |                                |     0.383759    |     0296478    |     -0.08728 |      MB |  -22.74% |
|                                           Heap used for norms |                                |     0.0499268   |     00380859   |     -0.01184 |      MB |  -23.72% |
|                                          Heap used for points |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |      MB |    0.00% |
|                                   Heap used for stored fields |                                |     0.0424652   |     00344086   |     -0.00806 |      MB |  -18.97% |
|                                                 Segment count |                                |    82           |   66           |    -16       |         |  -19.51% |
|                                   Total Ingest Pipeline count |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |         |    0.00% |
|                                    Total Ingest Pipeline time |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |      ms |    0.00% |
|                                  Total Ingest Pipeline failed |                                |     0           |    0           |      0       |         |    0.00% |
|                                                    error rate |                   index-append |     0           |    0           |      0       |       % |    0.00% |
|                                                Min Throughput |                    index-stats |    90.001       |    900126      |      0.01165 |   ops/s |   +0.01% |
|                                               Mean Throughput |                    index-stats |    90.0055      |    900241      |      0.01854 |   ops/s |   +0.02% |
|                                             Median Throughput |                    index-stats |    90.0048      |    900219      |      0.01715 |   ops/s |   +0.02% |
|                                                Max Throughput |                    index-stats |    90.0142      |    900422      |      0.02796 |   ops/s |   +0.03% |
|                                       50th percentile latency |                    index-stats |     5.80729     |     540389     |     -0.40339 |      ms |   -6.95% |
|                                       90th percentile latency |                    index-stats |     6.71673     |     622462     |     -0.49211 |      ms |   -7.33% |
|                                       99th percentile latency |                    index-stats |     7.26607     |     68574      |     -0.40867 |      ms |   -5.62% |
|                                     99.9th percentile latency |                    index-stats |    11.3788      |    111477      |     -0.23112 |      ms |   -2.03% |
|                                      100th percentile latency |                    index-stats |    13.6309      |    140192      |      0.38829 |      ms |   +2.85% |
|                                  50th percentile service time |                    index-stats |     4.61601     |     424021     |     -0.37579 |      ms |   -8.14% |
|                                  90th percentile service time |                    index-stats |     5.40477     |     493823     |     -0.46654 |      ms |   -8.63% |
|                                  99th percentile service time |                    index-stats |     5.85565     |     534821     |     -0.50744 |      ms |   -8.67% |
|                                99.9th percentile service time |                    index-stats |     9.8608      |     774023     |     -2.12057 |      ms |  -21.51% |
|                                 100th percentile service time |                    index-stats |    12.6355      |     944686     |     -3.18866 |      ms |  -25.24% |
|                                                    error rate |                    index-stats |     0           |    0           |      0       |

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 0 seconds)
